Friday, October 9, 2009

Kati on Being Connected by The Greater Good

“I was with my roommate in our lobby when my boyfriend got stuck in the elevator of our apartment building. So, he’s, like, ringing the panic button and we are trying to figure out how to get him out. We were on our way to a Kanye West concert at the Verizon Center and we were, like, what are we going to do? We ended up calling the police or the fire department; I forget which one, to come help. Anyway, they said that they were going to send someone. It took forever, so we decided to crack into the case of beer we had for the concert while waiting on them.

“Finally, there was a police officer outside issuing someone a parking ticket and, as no one had showed up, we decided to take matters into our own hands. We asked if he could come help us, but he was like, there is nothing that I can do as we need the elevator company to come save your boyfriend. So, we just sat around and shot the shit with him and he told us stories of being a cop in DC and about his education. We, of course, offered him a beer, which he didn’t accept because he was on the job.

“Finally, after he gave us his life story, the elevator company came and let my boyfriend out. Anyway, we ended up keeping in touch with this cop and the thing that reminds me most of DC about this story is that he still, whenever he is in Cleveland Park, will send me a text and say, “Are you out? I’ll come say hi.” Or, if there are a lot of police out, he’ll shoot me a text and tell me that there are a lot of cops in my neighborhood and I should behave myself! It was this one little chance encounter that brought us together. We met this kind cop with the best of intentions who now looks out for me. This just shows me how we’re all connected here and look out for each other. It becomes a good representation for me of how people in DC are connected by the greater good. That is one of my favorite random DC stories.”

See how well the DC Metropolitan Police Department is performing here and see their goals for 2010 here.

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