Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cousins Diamond and Lavaya on the President's House

Lavaya - "I'm seven. Today, my Dad is taking us to the president's house and the Washington Monument and the library. I think a lot of work happens in the president's house. He makes laws there that impact everybody. The president's house is a big place that has two parts - one part for living and one part for working. I hear that each president gets to keep a room so that all the presidents can live together. My favorite part of Washington is Barack Obama. Did you know that he can speak seven different languages? He speaks English, Hawaiian and Illinois, but I forget the rest." 

Diamond - "I'm seven, too. I know that the president also has his cabinets. His cabinets are full of people who help him. The cabinets sit at the table with him and they coach him a lot. But, these aren't cabinets like in a kitchen. In his kitchen cabinets, he probably has food and cereal and other good stuff to eat. My favorite part of Washington is Michelle and the kids. I think that Michelle Obama sleeps a lot because she is so tired after taking care of Sasha and Malia. I think that Barack and Michelle think their girls are really special and call them both angels." 

Diamond, left, is pictured with her cousin Lavaya. 

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